Now if you want to do a career where college can educate you I highly recommend reviewing the investment you are about to make in yourself. Review the cost and the expected return. All degrees will have a different expected payoff and each individual will have to make that unique decision. For example, I loved geology in college however I look at the average geologist compensation and decided I was not willing to take the risk. Or maybe I didn't love it as much as I thought. A finance degree seemed more reasonable and had a good average salary for after graduation.
For paying off loans quickly, there is no secrete. The way I manage my finances is a bit different than most. I live on as little as possible with a few splurges here and there and the split the remaining money each month into two groups. Half goes into savings and the other half went towards student loans. Some months there was no left over and that was okay. Other months I had more than expected and paid more towards my student loans. To make the calculation of what was extra easier, I set a benchmark dollar amount I was comfortable with for my checking account. At the end of the month if it was higher I would pull out the extra and split it between savings and loans. I continue to use this method but now I have a mortgage instead of student loans.
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