The military and veteran communities are rich with qualities unique to their character and military experience. Community leaders will learn about why taking the time to embark on a collaboration journey can ensure that veterans and their families unlock their full potential and apply their invaluable skills back into their communities.
About the Narrator
Keith R. Whitcomb serves as the Director of Operations for the National Veterans Intermediary (NVI) and strives to positively impact Veterans, their families, and survivors through increased nationwide collaboration for impact every single day. Keith is a retired Command Sergeant Major (CSM) having served over 32-years as a Combat Engineer in the U.S. Army. He is a Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom veteran having served nearly five years in combat and several other overseas assignments and operational deployments. Keith is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), has an MBA in Human Resources Management/Operations, and recently completed a Master’s Degree in Adult, Occupational, and Continuing Education with Kansas State University. Recent assignments include his work as an Assistant Professor (Title-5) with the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) involving executive leadership facilitation and Program Management of the U.S. Army’s senior spouse leadership education program at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Previous CSM assignments include his time as a Combat Engineer Battalion CSM in Germany, the Garrison CSM for Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, and Senior Engineer Advisor to the I Corps Engineer at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.