We thought it would be nice to actually document some of the days we spent during our (already ended) winter holidays and share it with you guys…so here is a vlog which is actually something different than what we usually do !!
You guys might already know but we’re twins (milk and cloud) so that’s why there are two people in the video and that’s also why we most of the time say ‘we’ in our video !!
We’re actually homebodies and rarely like really rarely go out of our cozy home so most of the time was spent in our room doing this and that. We gave ourselves a little break and didn’t study at all during these holidays too so that’s why you probably won’t see any school related things in this vlog…but I promise we do study !!
Also since I aka cloud (tokkicloud on ig) edit the videos I referred to my sister as ‘milk’ instead of writing our real names so hope you guys aren’t confused !!
We’re not sure if there will be more vlogs in the future so please let us know how you liked this and we’re open for feedback as well !!
Hope you enjoy and as always thank you so so much for watching ❤️
Lots of love,
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Milk Cloud
Postfach 6144
71077 Herrenberg
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