#MoveU #FixYoShit #ComeBackStronger
Neck pain? Here is a twist on a classic stretch to help alleviate some neck pain. It is great to follow it up with some scapular stability (upper back strengthening) and neck strengthening (scroll back and look for a post with 3 heads). People often have a natural response to neck tightness by pulling the head forward or to the side. By holding onto a doorway, counter, or chair with the opposite hands, it can help to deepen the upper trapezius stretch.
If you are struggling with neck pain, it is best to stretch slowly and to not force anything. Look for a mild stretch, not a 10/10-send-it-and-crank-your-dome-off-of-your-body kind of stretch. Pulling too hard or stretching too forcefully can actually cause you to guard and it will be counterproductive. Hold the stretch for various lengths of time and determine what feels best for you. By doing light stretching, it helps to ensure that you don’t exacerbate or flare things up. The same principal goes for other areas of the body.
People often think that more is better with stretching(or pretty much anything for that matter), but like anything in life, progress and change comes with consistent effort over time. You can’t achieve awesomeness overnight. As Mike mentions at the end, this stretch isn’t going to be a full-on solution. You will still need to change your lifestyle (are you sitting too much?), how you are lifting and exercising (are you aware of your positions under load?), and manage the stress in your life.
Written by Andrew Dettelbach
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