This week brings the Monk hero class this Friday, which will be one of the best meta hero classes in the game. We are also getting version 4.8 patch some time soon this week.
Here are all the teams shown in this video:
Monk Class Event:
Jar of Eyes, Diviner , Yao Guai, Tuliao
Werewoods Level 20-500:
Mountain Crusher, Zuul'Goth, Leprechaun, Ubastet
Werewoods Cheap Level 20-500:
Shield of Urskaya, Harpy Mage, Rowanne, Leprechaun
Werewoods Pure Faction:
Werebear, Werecat, Bestmaster Torbern, Werecat
Cheap PvP Infernus:[1056,6754,6416,6366,3018,1,2,2,3,1,0,0,14012]
Mountain Crusher, Harpy Mage, Diviner, Infernus
High PvP Infernus:
Mountain Crusher, The Wild Queen, Leprechaun, Infernus