Sword Art Online is one of the first few anime series I've watched. At the time I started watching it, I knew almost nothing about anime in general - I've heard of Sword Art Online in the media, and I was interested in the setting of the story. Episode after episode, I became more and more invested in the series. It was just entertaining and fun to watch.
The opening theme - "crossing field" by LiSA - is among the top anime songs in terms of popularity. For this cover, I've extended the transition after the first chorus, because I thought the original was a
bit too short. Other than that, it stays quite close to the original song.
Thank you for watching! Looking forward to the coming season!
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Q: Where can I buy the piano?
A: The piano model is Roland JUNO-DS88. The MIDI display was made using Synthesia and After Effects, not a real screen.
このピアノはRoland JUNO-DS88 です。ピアノの前にある映像は加工です。
▶▶▶ Music info ▶▶▶
Piano synthesizer: Roland JUNO-DS88
VFX software: Synthesia, Adobe AfterEffects
▶▶▶ Credits ▶▶▶
「crossing field」
ピアノ アレンジ: HalcyonMusic
Special thanks to my following Patrons!
Andrew Norton
Antonin Rousseaux
Derek Kwok
Javier Rodriguez Ruiz
Owen Choo
Thomas Kwasny
Thomas Sainte-Luce
To Cheng
#sao_anime #LiSA #piano
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