Note from @Jessica Leichtweisz
When I first started working with kids with Autism in 2008, adults with Autism would have been born before 1990. Back then only 1 out of every 10,000 people had Autism.
There was no community of adults with Autism. Nobody really knew for sure if adults with Autism could go to work or to school or to college. There were very few adults with Autism who could tell us how they felt, what Autism meant to them and how they wanted to be treated.
But that's totally changed. Social media has unified a population of adults with Autism. They have a message for us and it is time we listened.
I believe that every teacher who goes into the field of Autism whether they are speech therapists, occupational therapists, social skills therapist, physical therapists or classroom teachers has a good heart. They genuinely want to help people.
That's why it is so important that we listen to what adults with Autism have to say. Many adults with Autism had positive experiences with therapies as kids. But, it appears that even more didn't.
Many people with Autism benefited from therapies but the cost was their self esteem, self worth and trauma that they may never fully recover from.
I am choosing to take and stand and personally make sure that this generation of children with Autism never experience the types of things that left Autistic adults rejecting Autism professionals.
It is time we listened. There does not need to be a gap between Autism acceptance and Autism recovery. There is a way in which we can hold people to their highest potential and help them gain skills while accepting and loving them for who they are.
It is time we bridged the gap.
Join me every week at 9pm EST to learn about Autism from the best source possible- adults with Autism.
This week's episode features Ryan Shindler who shares how people with Autism are just living their life and that conformity comes with a cost.
Please share this with everyone you know and help change Autism treatment forever for the good!
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