It is simply a variant of "What are you doing?" Why are you bothering random women? Or even "This isn't acceptable".
To clear up any confusion and because people find it hard to even do any research for themselves, I have linked a few videos below which will help explain, for the hard of understanding, what I am doing here. If a man wants to meet women there is simply no other option.
(How to do a day game stop and the importance of getting RIGHT IN FRONT)
(Speak to a girl in ANY situation)
(Even this handsome coach gets rejected!)
(Starting out, beginner nerves)
(Inspiration for daygame from a blind day gamer!)
(The myth that everyone is noticing when you approach women on the street)
I should state that this guy ISN'T my coach, he just makes a lot of videos explaining what day game is, in simple terms.
Now if some of you more challenged in understanding, still don't understand what I am doing, then I am afraid there is no hope for you!