Oils in and of themselves are fine. There are oils in the Bible, after all. It's the idolatry and new age marketing that are the problem. Former essential oil distributor, Liberty Rose Brewster explains how essential oil blends are marketed as magical formula blends such as "abundance," "trauma recovery," and "forgiveness," with new age teachings blended in. As a Christian, Liberty could no longer support this idolatrous marketing. You can contact Liberty at Instagram.com/LibertyRoseBrewster
Paul Washer,Paul Washer's shocking youth message,Costi Hinn,Redeemer Church,Fighting for the Faith,Chris Rosebrough,Ray Comfort,Living Waters Ministries,Ligonier Ministries,RC Sproul,Dr Steve Lawson,Voddie Baucham,Todd Friel,Wretched Radio,The Messed Up Church,steven bancarz,PureFlix,