
Remodeling the room in 3 days under $750 to double rental income (+100%). Smart bedroom makeover!

Remodeling the room in 3 days under $750 to double rental income (+100%). Smart bedroom makeover! Hello everyone. This is long-wait video, one of my short videos in remodeling series, on how to double your rental income within several days. You can both own or sublet properties. Do whatever is possible in your local market.

Best real estate investment of 2020. Quickest remodeling so far.

Secrets to rehabbing and remodeling rooms.

Extreem room redecoration.

Pictures before and after.

Financial data

Glad to share my story, inspired by Graham Stephen video on his monthly income. I'm describing my 5 year short-term and long-term rental business story giving specific attention to the key obstacles I had along the way and key learnings I carried out. That was crucial unique experience in my life and I'm happy to share this story with you - ENJOY!
Add me on Instagram: Matthew.scrooge
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