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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
In this video I'm going to be sharing with you why B. P. E or Big Present Energy is the key to you manifesting what you want in 2020 and from this time going forward. This makes all the change, and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how to use it.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you how to use what is called BPE, Big Present Energy. You ever heard people talk about other people? They're like, Oh, have you met that person?
That person's got BPE, big present energy. When I'm around them, I can just feel it from them. I could just feel that energy emanating off of them and I can tell that yes, they have big present energy. Now this is about understanding how our energy is showing up in the world and how that correlates with us experiencing what we want, and a lot of times what I see happen is people want something.
Maybe they even want to attract a specific person into their life. Maybe they want to attract a certain amount of money. Maybe they want to attract a a certain job that they want. Whatever the goal is, when the intention and the focus is on the future, the energy goes from this person's body.
So let's say I've got my handy dandy marker right here. Let's say this person's like this. Here's their energy field just like this. That's their body, their energy field, and they're constantly thinking of not being here. So they're projecting their energy to the future future. So some of their energy is going there, they're thinking about it, and also they're not in the present moment.
So they're missing out on opportunities that could be there if all of their energy was there. In the same time, imagine somebody meets someone else and they're attracted to them and what they're doing is they're resisting and wanting this person to act a certain way.
They're trying to control. What happens is that takes their energy out of the present moment, makes it resistant, and it then starts to produce some type of feeling like, I hope this happens in the future. Anytime our energy is being externalized and anytime our energy is moving away from the present moment, we are dissipating that power within us.
Now this is the key to understanding experiencing what you want, especially in 2020 now the biggest thing and the biggest part of this video is understanding as well that a lot of the things we think we want a lot of the goals that we have, we think we want it and once we get it we'll be happy.
Once I get this in the future then I can be happy, but the way that it works is that even when you get there, you will then have something in that future of what you think will make you happy and therefore you will always be externalizing the happiness.
Now the problem with this is that then your big present energy, which is you being in the moment right now then always is dissipated. It is always been drained and when you are completely in the present moment, you are more attractive. When you are completely in the present moment, there is more energy there to work with.
There's more opportunities that you can perceive of. This is something that isn't very often talked about in law of attraction. It's a merging of these two worlds. It's like, imagine Abraham Hicks and Eckhart Tolle had a baby, okay, it'd be a present baby. That was always thinking good thoughts. Okay? But what happens is you can merge these two worlds.
You can merge the worlds of being present to the moment with that of the law of attraction, intention and manifestation. But the key to this is understanding that when you do something for an end of itself, what I mean by this is when you do something because you enjoy doing it, that's where magic will come into your life just for doing it.
Not because of what it gets you, but because you enjoy it. When I make this video, I do it because I enjoy it and I think a lot of people that watch my videos, or at least some of the people watch these videos and they say, Oh, I like the energy in this video. I like Eric. I could feel the energy through the screen...
Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library