Unmasking the Duck Season Dog! ►
One of my favorite VR horror games is Duck Season, so when the makers of that game came out with Boneworks I was sold! There is SO MUCH hiding beneath the surface of this gam that, of course, I had to do a theory! Today I am going to show you how Boneworks, at its core, is about humanity's search for immortality and the lengths we'd go to just to find it. How does that tie into the strange tale of an evil man in a dog suit from Duck Season? Watch and find out!
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The History of Minecraft's Underwater Gods ►
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Minecraft, STOP Punching Trees! ►
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Writers: Matthew Patrick
Researcher: Justin Kuiper
Editors: Tyler Mascola and Marc Schneider
Assistant Editor: AlyssaBeCrazy
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman