This is an effective remedy for coronavirus-Wuhan/Virusologist Branislava Keserovic, PhD, discovers an effective cure for the corona virus...
Prvi put u Kini korona virus izaziva teske respiratorne infekcije. Korona virus je uzrocnik endemske bolesti u nekim krajevima sveta. Molekularna biologija je mnogo napredovala i vakcine ce brzo zaziveti to je samo preventiva.
Treba napraviti serum od anti tela izlecenih pacijenata da bi se izlecili bolesni u teskom stanju..mada efikasnije ce delovati humani leukocitarni alfa interferon - interferon je izuzetan lek za viruse!
Kina je velika zemlja i ona sigurno prozivodi humani leukocitarni interferon koji uspesno leci virusne miokardite i tumore oka.
Virusologist Branislava Keserovic, PhD, discovers an effective cure for the corona virus
Serum should be made from the anti-body of the cured patients in order to cure the sick in dire condition .. although human leukocyte alpha interferon will work more effectively - interferon is an excellent cure for viruses!
China is a large country and it sure produces human leukocyte interferon, which successfully cures viral myocarditis and eye tumors.