Artists are welcome to all the artists in the social media.
We have been serving you since last 6 years. Seeing your love and faith, we have also created an organization. In which we will work for the upliftment of all Indian artists.
1. Artists Card (Artist Identity)
2. Presentation of art at the national level
3. Strengthening the financial position (by giving a loan)
4. Giving Pension (Artist over 55 years of age)
We all want to do it in cooperation with you. If you have to join the organization then we have created a website, you can join by following the link given below. You will also get our app soon.
You nominated the State President in every state of our India
Cooperate to increase the tax structure.
You can do this number for more information.
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Vijay Tiwadi (Jaipur)
If you are interested, then we will not have your whipspace. Send us 8949571941 If you have any problems logging into the website then we will make your profile.
Always look forward to your service with your own artists social media.
artists social media jaipur