
Are You Feeling Broken Inside? Why Suicide Is Never The Answer And How You Can Take Back Your Life

Are You Feeling Broken Inside? Why Suicide Is Never The Answer And How You Can Take Back Your Life This is a powerful training that will give you practical tips to instantly get your life under control. This has been independently vetted by a range of people who have suffered with Suicidal thoughts and they found it helpful, practical and easy to apply in the moment.

If you watch this, you may be in a state of emotional turmoil. I want you to know that there is immediate help available. There are people you can talk to who can support you through this dark moment. There are numerous hotlines that you can call, such as Samaritans. Likewise, our online coaching community is there for anyone who wants assistance.

I also want you to know that I was once feeling broken inside as well. When I was younger, I suffered from depression and had to learn gradually how to help myself through it. My grades were failing in school. I had troubled relationships. I nearly took my own life. If I can find relief, then I believe that you can take back your life too.

Suicide is not the answer because by taking your life you will only pass on your pain to the people you leave behind. One thing you can do right now is to think about a silly ime in your life. Think back to those moments where you’re laughing or feeling joy. These moments can lift you up a little bit during tough times.

You have people who care about you. Even if your family has hurt you, they still love you in some way. You may have friends or other people in your life that care about you even if it isn’t always obvious. There are also people who depend on you. Think about all of the good you can do if you stick around.

You can take back your life. You won’t always be feeling the way you do now. If you’re feeling broken inside, know that it will pass and that you’ll be feeling differently very shortly.

I hope this training will help you in a difficult time.

With the recent case of Caroline Flack, I just wanted to see if I could help in some shape or form. It truly saddens me that people dont get help when they really need it or in that moment get overwhelmed by the emotions within that event. I know if you can just break that immense feeling in the moment then it can create a new pattern. I just wanted to create training that might help.

My heart goes to all the families of those that have ever lost anyone to such a tragic event. I doubt we will ever truly understand your loss or what impact that has had on you. I hope you can find peace in knowing you did the best with what you had and let forgiveness into your life as you can never really predict these things happening.

If you do know anyone that is suffering from some dark thoughts. I created a completely free training to help them out. Feel free to share it with them.

I know its a very touchy subject, only thought It might help someone out. If you know anyone that is going through a tough time. You can send them this training.

It has been independently vetted by a range of people who have suffered from Suicidal thoughts and they found it very helpful, practical and easy to apply in the moment.

I am not a Doctor, just gone through my own stuff and found systems that worked for me and wanted to share it that's all.

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#edjcsmith #Suicideisnottheasnwer #stopsuicide

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