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Hey guys! Welcome to Dr. Justin's Q & A. I'll be answering topics that you want to know. I'll be glad if you can keep today's questions rolling. Let's make another awesome and interactive Q & A. First, I'll be discussing how Adrenal Dysfunction and why it increases your body's demand for nutrients.
What is Adrenal Dysfunction? Why is your body's nutritional needs go up? Why makes it harder for your digestion to work? Will be breaking down all of these in today's video.
Any other cool things that you wanna talk about and any feedback on future content to come would also be welcome! Continue for more and we like to hear about what you think of this video. Comment, subscribe, hit the bell, thumbs up, and don't forget to share!
Gluten Video Series:
Thyroid Hormone Balance Video Series:
Female Hormone Balance Video Series:
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Dr. Justin Marchegiani
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