
4 Things To Do After You File For Social Security Disability.

4 Things To Do After You File For Social Security Disability. Once your Social Security Disability application has been filed you can expect a
decision in 5-7 months.

This video covers the 4 four tips to maximize the chances of getting paid faster
by winnigg at the initial application and how to check your case status.


1. Forms
Social Security SSA will (or has already) sent forms SSA
to fill out about your work history and daily living activities.
Follow the direction in item 1c of the Disability approval course to

2. Medical exam
SSA may ask you to go to see one of their Doctors
for an Independent Medical exam. Follow these
steps to successfully complete your exam:

3. Doctor
You should constantly be working on doctor support.
Listen to this interview with disability expert Karl Osterhaut and learn:

How To Get Doctor Support,
What To Do If You Can Not,

The doctor support forms to be filled out are attached and available from the
website below. And, of course, if you get stuck, contact us for help.

Go to:

4. New evidence;
Advise SSA (and or your legal team) of anything new that would
improve your chances of getting approved.

What would be good to provide is if your conditions have increased in
severity or if you have new conditions that further prevent you from working.

Examples: As a result of this condition I am now only able to stand
for 15 minutes at a time prior I was able to stand for 20 minutes at
a time I am now only sleeping 4 hours a night prior I was able to
sleep 5 hours a night.

For these it is helpful to provide the following:

A. The condition that was diagnosed or increased in severity,
B. The Doctor information that diagnosed, full name, address,
phone, date of visit,
C. A two sentence or less explanation about how this further
limits you and prevents you from working.

Once you have this advise SSA and your legal team.

5. Case Status
We have found that the first place the decision appears before we
receive written notice is in your personal my Social Security account.

Watch this video and see attached picture for an example of
what you will see. Click here

To check the status of your disability benefits case go to

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A 100% Free Resource To Help Get (and or) Maximize Your Disability Income Fast.

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