
Toxic Female Family Members - MGTOW

Toxic Female Family Members - MGTOW Sandman Sponsor Link:
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by more than generous donation from Mr. Anonymous. You know who you are. I know you didn't a video request but I thought that what you brought up was very very important. I'm going to paraphrase what you said to keep you identity safe and maybe insert some quotes from your emails to me. So here goes. "Hi Sandman, I have decided to cut my family off in one foul swoop. It's a long story but let's just say they are making my life miserable. In the next little while for my plan to work , I have to spend my hometime again with family at a family reunion. Paying my dues so to speak and solidifying my relationships so that my family will have no idea what I have in the works. They will have no idea that total escape is on my mind. I need all of my subconscious mind at my disposal to ensure this works. In short term the plan is to get a temporary residence, for legal purposes and legal documents coming in the mail. I will also change my legal name and get a new social security number. Probably from some dead guy out there, a new passport, thousands more in FU money and a new job in a new country. (If that works out) When I couldn't find anyone else to validate the fact I'm a human being that deserves freedom, you showed up. If you want to hear a success story hopefully you'll get one within a year or less, depending on what complications might come up. With regards to family issues I pay the same price as you with regards to gut health issues too. I am just very lucky to be ahead of the curve, much thanks to your validation. I understand that I have kept my family on emotional life support for awhile now. But when I heard about a few of my childhood friends committing suicide because of issues they were facing with family I just knew I had to cut them out. Take care man. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and I thought that this was a very important thing to talk about. But before I do let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to Mr. Anonymous and his idea of leaving behind his family and past. First of all I don't blame you for wanting to cut out the toxic family out of your life. You mentioned Stefan Molyneux and how it was great that I introduced you to his work. What you're doing is something that he's been recommending for many years on his free domain site. He would call what you're doing "defooing" De-family of origin. I have considered doing something like that in the past but decided it would be too cruel and besides I didn't have the resources to do it. You're brave doing it with a small amount of money and not all that much of a safety net. But I completely understand why you want to cut out the toxic female family members in your life. First of all make sure you have enough cash to get you through. Also remember that when you cut your family off they won't have you as the emotional tampon release valve and they might self destruct. Your mother could easily turn into a mean and nasty bitch to the rest of the family that she has around her.

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