
Parker J & the Automatic Door

Parker J & the Automatic Door You know when you tell your child to come on and they don’t listen! Then, you tell them AGAIN and they still don’t listen 😑. THEN, the unthinkable happens to let the child know I should of listened! 🤷🏾‍♀️🤣 HE WAS FINE, we both were a little shook. I had to yank him out because he was stuck and the door wouldn’t move. I bet you he hightailed it to the car after this though! #miniheartattack #funnykid #thisboy #hadtocallBEBE #thedoortookhim
#youshouldofbroughtyourbutton #isaidletsgo #weBOTHscreamed #hewasfine #terribleTHREES

terrible threes,don't listen,boy mom,toddler mom,daily life,funny kid,daycare kid,single mom,single mom blog,

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