
Best Ways To Have Clear Skin

Best Ways To Have Clear Skin 1# - Get rid of refined sugars: Literally, it’s true. If you have a very poor diet chances are that from an exterior perspective, you are not going to look healthy. Even your sweat may smell more when you are only eating crappy food. I’ve found that dumping refined sugars is super important in having healthy skin. I know, we’re all addicted to crispy crème donuts, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t have some once in a while, but eating refined sugar every day will create inflammation, excessive skin cell growth and excessive oil production in the skin. This means that you will get clogged pours which in turn can become acne and lead to breakouts. Scientifically refined sugar is a type of food that creates an immediate surge in insulin and androgen which combined basically gives you worse skin.

2# - Stop eating fried foods: Once again I’m not saying not to have any fried food. We only live once and it’s extremely delicious, but in moderation. Fried foods create once again inflammation which in turn will give you clogged pours and bad skin. To top it all off, fried foods are heavy on your stomach so you will more easily gain weight and create more stress on your body because they simply take more time to digest.

3# - Dairy: Now this really depends on the person. Research has shown that dairy creates inflammation which as we’ve mentioned many times in this video is our enemy. Things is with inflammation is that it doesn’t just lead to bad skin, but having an inflamed body can create pain in your joints. A painful body means that you won’t feel good throughout your day and therefore not be able to bring your best food forward. Also, even though Westerners tend to be better with dairy than others because through centuries of eating dairy they’ve developed a tolerance for it, everyone has dairy intolerance to a certain extent. I’d say to try one or two weeks without dairy to see if it makes a difference or not. If it does than great you’ve found out that you have dairy intolerance. Now, if it doesn’t make any difference at all for you well I guess you are fine to eat dairy.

4# - Exercise more: Not really diet related but I’m a firm believer that exercise makes you sweat which in turn makes your pours work and release what is inside the body. Also, if you are really addicted to sugars and fast food, at least you’ll manage to burn all the calories that are in these foods. Plus, exercising raises your dopamine and literally makes you happier and more fulfilled. I know some people really dread the gym but I feel that more often than not it’s because we tend to make the gym less fun. Not everyone wants to lift weights or run 10 miles on the treadmill. Exercise in some way is like food, there are so many different types of food, eventually you’ll find something that you like. If you don’t like running, maybe take a ballroom dancing class. If you don’t like that try aerobics, martial arts or tennis. There’s so many possibilities. Our body is meant to move and if we want to remain healthy in our old age we need to use it.

#5: Cut your meat intake and eat more vegetables: Now I feel like a mom telling their child to eat their greens, but there’s some truth to it. I’m not telling you to be vegetarian or Vegan but we as human beings weren’t meant to eat meat for every single meal. Try to limit your meat intake to 2 times a week. Also, try to add a few raw vegetables once in a while and even a couple of vegetarian meals. Fish like Salmon, anchovies and sardine are filled with Omega 3, which decreases inflammation and compounds that create excessive cells. Fermented foods such as kombucha and kimchi are amazing for the skin because they have probiotics which reduce inflammation in the body. Yogurts do have Probiotics too but since we talked about avoiding dairy you’ll have to figure out if it works for you or not.
In the end everybody has a different tolerance to different foods and you’re really going to have to experiment with what works for you. Some people just have a predisposition for better skin but if you take all the necessary steps to take care of yourself and your skin, you will be able to look healthy and have the energy to overcome all your daily as well as artistic tasks.

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