
Heel Pain Treatment (Plantar Fasciitis) - Georgina Tay, Singapore Podiatrist

Heel Pain Treatment (Plantar Fasciitis) - Georgina Tay, Singapore Podiatrist Heel Pain Treatment (Plantar Fasciitis) - Georgina Tay, Singapore Podiatrist

What Types of Heel Pain Are There?
While the most common cause of heel pain in Singapore is repetitive musculoskeletal injury, there exist uncommon serious conditions which can mimic the pain. It is advisable to see a podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis.

Two terms are commonly used to describe heel pain – plantar fasciitis and heel spur syndrome. For the most part, they are two different names for the same condition, but there are some differences that can impact the treatment plan.

Plantar Fasciitis
This describes a recent-onset bout of inflammation at the plantar fascia, which is a thick connective tissue band stretching across the bottom of the foot. The plantar fascia spreads out under the ball of the foot on one end and inserts under the heel bone on the other end.

Recent-onset heel pain describes pain or discomfort lasting fewer than 6-8 weeks. It is easier to cure because the treatment goal focuses on resolving the inflammatory process.

In Singapore, many people don’t actually have “plantar fasciitis” by the time they get around to visiting a foot specialist for consultation. The plantar fascia injury has already become chronic, and the initial inflammatory phase is already over. Many treatments which focus on treating acute inflammation are ineffective for chronic heel pain.

Heel Spur
As mentioned previously, many instances of “plantar fasciitis” do not actually involve an inflammatory process. Instead, the plantar fascia is weakening due to chronic collagen degeneration and tissue death. On foot X-rays, those with chronic heel pain may have a calcaneal spur (heel spur). Hence, the name “heel spur syndrome”.

However, calcaneal spurs do not cause heel pain – people without heel pain may also have spurs on X-rays. The “bone spur” is simply the reactive calcification of a plantar fascia undergoing chronic stress. The pathology and pain still stem from the plantar fascia.

The existence of the heel spur clues the clinician into the fact that the “plantar fasciitis” has been going on for a long time. It is not necessary to surgically remove the heel spur to cure chronic heel pain. Non-surgical treatment can also be an effective solution.

Will it affect my walking in the long term?
We have seen patients who have lived with severe heel pain for years. Often, they have altered the way they walk in order to accommodate the pain – Tip-toeing in the morning until the pain wears off, simply preferring to stay at home as much as possible or choosing a more sedentary lifestyle. This is not a way to live for something which is curable with the right diagnosis and treatment. Untreated heel pain impairs your walking, your work, and your personal life tremendously.

Can I just wait for it to heal?
In some cases, time and self-treatment are adequate for the heel pain to calm to tolerable levels. However, the root cause of the pain has not been medically addressed. Many patients describe having off-and-on heel pain for years, gradually getting worse each episode. The heel pain can always return, and each time it will become more difficult to treat or heal.

Our podiatry clinic focuses on healing without surgery. The treatment strategy includes shockwave therapy and orthotic insoles which are customised specifically to your feet and your plantar fasciitis (heel pain) condition.

See a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis of the type of heel pain and proper treatment.

Non-surgical Options for Heel Pain
Conservative treatment options can include the use of foot orthotics (shoe insoles), shockwave, ultrasound therapy, sports taping, and focused stretching exercises. With well-calibrated treatment and patient adherence, most patients will see significant improvement.

Surgery may be advised if the condition is severe and resistant to conservative treatments. Our podiatrists work closely with expert orthopaedic surgeons specialised in foot and ankle procedures, often handling the post-operative rehabilitation for lower limb surgeries with wound care, foot orthotics, and orthopaedic footwear.

See a Podiatrist today!


Clinic Locations:

Orchard Clinic
302 Orchard Road . Tong Building #09-02 . Singapore 238862
Tel: (+65) 6884 4123

Kembangan Clinic
18 Jalan Masjid . Kembangan Plaza # B1-02/04/05 . Singapore 418944
Tel: (+65) 6848 5156

Novena Clinic
10 Sinaran Drive . Novena Medical Center #08-12/13 . Singapore 307506
Tel: (+65) 6235 2132

SINGAPORE DIABETIC FOOT CENTRE – a specialised high-risk unit of East Coast Podiatry |

302 Orchard Road, Tong Building #09-01A, Singapore 238862

Tel: (+65) 6732 1486

Heel Pain Treatment,Plantar Fasciitis Treatment,Types of Heel Pain,repetitive musculoskeletal injury,heel spur syndrome,Georgina Tay,Singapore Podiatrist,heel bone pain,heel bone spur treatment,chronic heel pain treatment,severe heel pain treatment,heel pain clinic,heel pain shockwave therapy,heel pain insoles,orthotics for heel pain,EAST COAST PODIATRY,Orchard Clinic,novena clinic,novena medical centre,orthopaedic footwear,foot orthotics singapore,ecpc,

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