~A transformation Through Security Will take place. Also some of you are going on a journey.
~You Will be able to start a New beginning With this Person whom you both care for each other.
~For some of you, ur enemies will try to reach out to you However even if they do, they are Inconsistent when it comes to communication.
~Secrets will be revealed This Month. Also be careful around your home or near ur home. Someone can be trying to distract you from ur responsibilities.
~Someone is very bothered by you. Same person who maybe spying on you. This Person is Obsessed, Controlling and Envious of you. They keep going round and round in circles regarding something that they continue to do towards you to seek justice however with justice their is cause and effect. What this Person does to you it will be do e to them Three time folds.Whatever justice they decide to take on you, They too will receive it back and pay more than Double for What they Continue to do. I feel that theres is no way you can get on the same page with them. This maybe a hopeless cause and or irreconcilable differences. You need to guard urself because this Person has a weakness they cant control.
~For others This is someone who may try to take their anger out on you by delving into being violent or abuse you in some way. They simply doesn’t seem to have self control when they start feeling angry, jealous or Envious towards you. If you are dealing with this plz Go to the hospital or ask someone to help you come out of that toxic environment.
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