1. Improve your food choices. Many people who eat unhealthy diets believe that they are following a sound nutritional plan. However, those same people often do not include fruits and vegetables with every meal. And they often eat meals on the go without giving it a second thought. If you want your body to perform at high-efficiency, you must provide it with high-efficiency foods. This means more whole, raw foods and as few preservatives as possible.
2. Plan your eating ahead of time. This is one of the things that nutritionists will tell you to do when you want to improve your eating habits. For one thing, you will not be hungry if you are prepared with a meal schedule. Also, you will not be tempted by sugar and caffeine throughout the day when you have plenty of healthy alternatives on hand.
3. Drink more water. Most people cannot honestly say that they drink nearly enough water. In fact, many people do not realize how much water they need to drink throughout the course of a day. You should focus on drinking half of your body weight in ounces each day. And, this does not include beverages other than water. In order for your body to function at its optimal, you need to make sure that you are drinking enough. Dehydration can occur when you are not getting enough water in your body, and there are many dangerous and bothersome side effects.
4. Eliminate the color white from your diet. In general, foods that are white in color contain little in terms of health benefits and are in fact better eliminated completely. This includes white bread, white pastas, potatoes, crackers that are not made from whole wheat and white rice. You can eliminate these items or replace with foods that have a higher nutritional value like whole wheat bread and pasta, sweet potatoes and brown rice.
5. Eat more foods that are acidic and alkaline. Consider modifying your diet to include foods that are acidic and alkaline, because many holistic experts believe that this is one of the keys to maintaining a healthy body. Foods like meat are high in acid. Fruits and vegetables tend to contain a high alkaline content. One of the reasons that this will improve your health is that your body will contain far less bacteria when it is acidic than when it is not.
6. Don’t overdo the grains. Consider reducing the amount of grains and other carbohydrates that you are eating on a daily basis. The typical food pyramid emphasizes eating a large quantity of starches, however nutritionists believe that focusing more on fruits and vegetables will keep you healthier overall.
7. Consider adopting a raw food diet. This is where you eat only unprocessed and uncooked foods. Often, the damage done to the body by food occurs because of the additives and preservatives that are used in the preparation. While most people find that they cannot sustain this type of diet for an extended time period, some have transformed their life and health through raw food consumption.
8. Avoid foods with added supplements. Believe it or not, nutritionists do not recommend supplements for the sake of adding more nutrients. You should try to obtain the nutrients you need through the foods that naturally contain them. And, if you require supplements, you are far better off just taking supplements. One nutrient that seems to be added to everything these days is calcium. The amount of calcium being added to products like orange juice is so minimal that it really will not help you to overcome a deficiency.
9. Eat a teaspoon of honey every day. Honey is known for its amazing healing properties, and because it contains 100% natural sugars it is a safe and effective way to give yourself an energy boost. Honey is good for your skin, your circulation and for the cells of your body due to a high content of antioxidants.
10. Nourish your body. Holistic healers believe that malnutrition is often responsible for many commonly occurring health problems, meaning that if the body does not get what it needs, illness will be the result. Imagine of you completely avoided calcium. The result would be brittle and broken bones and teeth. Well, the same applies for many other important nutrients. So, be sure to keep giving your body what it needs to stay healthy.