
MTB - Riding An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

MTB - Riding An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty I was invited to ride on the Pinned TV group ride, and that definitely was something I didn't want to turn down, especially as they were going to be riding in Long Mynd and Minton Batch in the Shropshire Hills, a place that is a designated AONB - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I really do consider it an honour to ride such epic scenery.

Because this was a group ride, Jim deliberately picked trails that everyone could ride and enjoy themselves on, so it wasn't akin to his usual more hardcore rides, rides that test my skills to the absolute limit. However there was one utterly exhausting climb that I had to jump off the bike and push up.

I have ridden Long Mynd a couple of times, and the first descent we did called, Zig Zags I had never ridden before, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The second one, the Minton Batch descent, I have ridden a couple of times in the past.

Of course I had to have a crash as per usual. Never mind. I dusted myself off and carried on.

Just another great day riding with the Pinned TV Crew.


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