
Making decisions in life is always tough | 3 Options to analyze for the real Yoram

Making decisions in life is always tough | 3 Options to analyze for the real Yoram Making decisions in life is always tough: So i let you get into my process of decision making and my process of thought: What would you do if anything is possible and you are not afraid?

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I was traveling, i was thinking, no i’ve processed a lot of stuff. After i've sold my company i'm a free man now, but stuck in some kind of option paralysis... not out of fear .. but it's so new and uncommon for me! Distilled it into 3 options. I’ve to make a decision! But it isn't easy if you can do anything, there are no real attriutes for comparision - that is so though. Perhaps doing that video and talking out loud will help me in the process?

#therealyoram #decisions #freedom

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