
Here is me getting scammed cause I believed someone actually paid, and got their item.

Here is me getting scammed cause I believed someone actually paid, and got their item. Open me

I just got scammed of 550 bucks, SAVING FOR AN AUSSIE EGG
And I believed it.

Why did I record this?
~I want to show you not to do my mistake.~
~So I can show her user off~

Why Didn’t I Report?
~Reporting doesn’t always work~
~She left quickly, and I don’t report often.

Have I ever Scammed?
~To prove a point, yes, but not often at all.~

Should I be blamed for stupidity?
~Maybe, I actually didn’t believe her at first b/c I’m not really dumb when paying someone, but someone got a llama from paying her, that’s why..~

What house do I use? Why?
~I use the smallest house because you can keep it how it is! You don’t really need a fancy house.~


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