Heavy Metal Toxicity- Mercury Detox Info.
I am not a Doctor just someone who was toxic for most of my life and by trial and error figured out how to detox and reverse many symptoms. Please consult a professional, my info is based on my results and reviewing many posts from other toxics and connecting the dots.
Video 3- First Steps If We Think We May Be Mercury Heavy Metals Toxic
Goal – open our minds to other possibilities…if we believe something and it is incorrect we will never find the true root cause.
Opening a discussion line, want to hear your thoughts.
Root cause
MTHFR-50% global population snp’s
Detox pathways
Remove Exposure- amalgams? Longer we wait the more issues and maybe damage? Seafood...do not assume tuna once a week is ok.
Trace mercury in fish oil sup….
Leaky gut
Moms transfer toxicity to baby.
Other issues- mycotoxins-mold,fungal, lyme
Blood test is not proper test….hair test offers more than enough info- don’t get stuck on levels…too many are told their levels are OK….based on what???
Boost glutathione was my main detox via MTHFR supps, ASEA, and many other natural ways.
Basic over view steps:
a. Safely Remove exposure- amalgams, seafood, etc. Trace amounts
b. MTHFR-detox pathways-boost natural detox-glutathione
c. THIOLS/diet
d. Leaky gut
e. Hair test to confirm
f. Other issues- mold, fungal, mycotoxins, Lyme
1. Root cause !!!
2. Try to have open mind…stop thinking you have a “disease” with NO CURE….I reversed diseases….Drs can only diagnose what’s on their approved list….and they try to connect your symptoms to known diseases…IF you think you have a disease…you will have a disease and not see around that and never get well…..
3. Hair test to see what is in us- google Dr Amy Hair test-
4. Blood test is not proper test…it only shows recent exposure- it filters through kidneys/liver and may get stored in the body….if have amalgams this is common…hair test will see what’s stored and if it is coming out…SEE MY TEST
5. Mineral derangement via hair test.
6. Levels- are somewhat irrelevant…Mine were all low…!! See my test!
7. No one can say what level or MIX of levels will cause what symptoms.
8. Many are told their levels are not affecting them…this is ridiculous to even make that statement. Many walk away and overlook root cause and get more sick.
9. DO NOT do provoked urine test…its chelator and causes redistribution.
10. ANY level can be bad…low levels over long time are worse than acute?
11. Redistribution is bad….maybe what causes damage.
12. Thiol intolerance….see my list and video end part 1