
The Vegetation Engine for Unity ● First Step: Convert the first Vegetation Prefab

The Vegetation Engine for Unity ● First Step: Convert the first Vegetation Prefab Soon on the Unity Asset Store:


The Vegetation Engine is a set of highly optimized vegetation shaders and tools designed to unify any vegetation asset from the Unity Asset Store, SpeedTree, Quixel Megascans, etc. or custom vegetation authored by your team.

With ONE-CLICK setup and conversion for prefabs, and with a comprehensive set of decal-like elements, you will be able to easily add high-quality wind motion, dynamic-wind power, vegetation interaction with unlimited objects or characters, dynamic seasons, global overlay(snow, water, wetness, dust), tinting, size, distance-based size fade or leaves amount, with minimal performance impact!

Features like URP, HDRP, Mtree, Amplify Impostors and more Presets are planned for future releases. Stay tuned for more!


● Standard Render Pipeline
● Amplify Shader Editor
● Vegetation Studio
● Vegetation Studio Pro
● Gpu Instancer
● Speedtree
● TreeIt
● Quixel Megascans
● Advanced Dynamic Shaders
● Custom Meshes


● One-click Scene setup
● One-click Prefab conversion
● One-click Prefab revert
● Automatic Mesh conversion
● Automatic Material conversion
● Automatic Texture conversion
● Prefab convertor Expert Mode
● Prefab convertor Presets
● Easy prefab Motion setup
● Prefabs can be placed as Scene GameObjects or Terrain Trees

● Dynamic Wind and Turbulence
● Dynamic Vegetation Interaction (Unlimited objects and characters)
● Dynamic Seasons
● Overlay (Snow, Water, Wetness, Dust)
● Distance-based Size Fade
● Unlimited decal-like Elements for motion interaction, tinting, overlay mask, size and leaves amount customization


● Amplify Shader Editor graph included
● Highly optimized and customizable
● Highly optimized vertex animation
● Standard Lit, Subsurface Lit, Tessellation Lit, and Billboard Lit shaders
● Detail and Height Based texture blending
● Forward and Deferred support
● VR, Perspective and Orthographic support

● Opaque and Transparent render modes
● Standard and Flipped back face normal
● Front, Back, and Double-Sided cull modes
● Alpha, Premultiply, Additive, and Multiply blending support
● Alpha Cutout support


Please note that even the following features are planned and some are already tested and working, some might not work as expected and won't be added!

● Universal Render Pipeline
● HighDefinition Render Pipeline
● Amplify Impostors support
● Crossfade LOD transition
● Static Mesh shaders
● Cinematic Wind
● Cinematic Interaction
● Pivot Baker Tool
● Motion Flow Element
● 3rd-Party Presets: Mtree, CTI, NatureManufacture, Angry Mesh, Manufactura K4 and more


● SM2 devices are not supported
● Render Pipelines are not yet supported
● Scalable Ambient Obscurance is not supported in Forward Rendering
● TVE only works with prefabs, scene gameobject cannot be converted
● TVE is designed to work with instancing, batching is not supported
● TVE is a vegetation detailing tool, not a placement tool


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