
The Social Upheaval Caused By The Coronavirus Is A Symptom Of The 'Fourth Turning'

The Social Upheaval Caused By The Coronavirus Is A Symptom Of The 'Fourth Turning' BE SURE TO READ Chris' latest free report "Why Covid-19 Demands Our Full Attention" here:


The public's trust in the authorities running our system is suffering as a result of officials' ham-fisted tactics.

Good information is increasingly hard to come by as world governments suppress any and all non-official sources. And much of the official 'data' being released appears untrustworthy. In many cases, it seems too benign for the massive and draconian efforts governments are taking around the world.

The media, too, appears complicit. It's neither asking the tough questions or providing the useful information the public is hungry for right now.

Ditto for the financial markets, which are doing their damndest to act as if the growing covid-19 pandemic is a non-event.

Such breaking of trust is what researcher Neil Howe warned of in his excellent work 'The Fourth Turning', predicting a period of profound loss of faith in public institutions.While there are many contributing factors -- massive world debt, huge wealth disparity, planetary resource depletion -- the social angst being stirred up by the coronavirus is a classic symptom of a Fourth Turning.
Expect an even bumpier road ahead...

Now... READ Chris' other free reports on the coronavirus:

1) How to protect yourself & your family from covid-19:

2) How the coronavirus is going to cause a painful downdraft in the stock market:

coronavirus,corona,virus,pandemic,Chris Martenson,Peak Prosperity,Adam Taggart,Wuhan,China,

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