

THE 10 TYPES OF ITEMS YOU NEED TO GET RID OF NOW Please do like, subscribe and turn notifications on!
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In today's video, I'm going to talk to you about the 10 types of items you need to get rid of that are in your wardrobe right now.

1. The first one is anything that is uncomfortable - anything that you put on, and at the end of the day, always regret it. You may be hesitant to get rid of them, but you never want to wear it either as it's comfortable. They may ride up funny, be itchy, whatever it is; we just know they’re never going to work. Get rid!

2. The second thing to get rid of is anything that is dated. The general rule for this is that clothes tend to have a cycle of five years. During this time, design features, such as collar styles or trouser widths have changed. Even if you aren’t particularly interested in ’trends’, if you look back on the last ten years - the subtle shifts are obvious to most. This isn't about looking up to date and hyper fashionable. It's just a slow evolution of changes that cause clothing to look dated and in turn age the wearer. Consider the fabric also. Technology has come a long way and is a dead giveaway for old clothing. If you’re in the workplace and want to look forward-thinking; dated clothing could negatively impact your entire brand.

3. The third category is unworn items. If you’ve got clothes for a life you just don’t lead, or for an event, you just won’t get invited to, get rid. You might be someone who used to work in a corporate environment, and you've kept a lot of your suiting. Just let them go. Holding on to them just adds stress. Being confronted with a wardrobe full of clothes you don't wear every morning is not a positive way to start your day.

4. Following on from that, the next is never worn. We all do it; keep items in our wardrobe with the labels still on, waiting for the day we may wear it. Perhaps you’ve gained or lost weight, and it doesn’t quite look right, or it’s sat there so long it’s dated. Anything sat in your wardrobe with the labels on for longer than two years, no longer warrants a place there.

5. The next item is anything bought as a gift that you will not use. The gift is in the giving, and at that moment you both enjoyed the exchange. However, when that moment is long gone, that item may no longer be serving you. Don’t feel guilty about this - charity shop, or re-gift it, so someone else can benefit!

6. Next up is the items that you’ve loved so much, they’re worn out. You may have bought a replacement already and it’s not quite the same, so you’ve held onto the original. We’ve all done it, but just accept the replacement and let the original go. If it’s tired, it has no place being worn, especially in the workplace where you want to look sharp.

7. The seventh category is clothing of low quality. If you’re in a senior position at work or want to be, let go of low quality. Often, I find these purchases are due to a lack of confidence in shopping. If you are buying things at a cheaper price, in fear of wasting money, get someone to help you invest better. Wearing this style of clothing translates to your personal brand also, as our image is our packaging, and the packaging is how people perceive the value that’s inside.

8. Eighth in line is anything that’s being kept for sentimental reasoning. Whether it be children’s clothing, a first date dress, or deceased family members clothing; it doesn’t belong in your wardrobe. You don’t have to get rid of it, but you should store it elsewhere. Your wardrobe’s purpose is that when you're getting dressed in the morning, the things that are in there are things that you can put on. The physical and mental clutter of wading through old memories every day is confusing and draining.

9. Next up is to get rid of anything that doesn't fit you. Like my last point, you don't have to get rid of it completely, but I want it out of your daily wardrobe. It doesn't serve you to have a constant reminder of the clothes you used to fit into, and it gives you a false idea of when you open your wardrobe, you have plenty of options.

10. Lastly, remove anything with a ‘fit issue’. Maybe it’s too tight across your chest, too short in the body, too long in the leg. Either commit to getting it altered, or get rid of it. Vow next time instead, to make any purchases fit well.

Clearing out a wardrobe can provoke embarrassment and guilt. Instead, see it as a fresh start - and let it not be guilt ridden. Doing this exercise, you learn about making better choices in the future. It's not about just getting rid of stuff and to refill it. It's about having clarity around what you actually need and wear, buying intentionally, and not wasting money. Clearing out your wardrobe will enable you to get dressed without stress; which is what I really want for you.

personal stylist,image consultant,fashion,blogger,vlogger,weight loss,london,stylist,wardrobe,spring clean,weight gain,inclusivity,

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