
Stubborn Girl Spends The Day Out in the Cold To Not Scoop Horse Compost | World's Strictest Parents

Stubborn Girl Spends The Day Out in the Cold To Not Scoop Horse Compost | World's Strictest Parents This young teen doesn't want to accept the consequences of her breaking the rule "do not swear in the house". Will she give up after spending the whole day and night out in the cold?

▶ How Strict Parents Deal With LOVE, SEX & DATING:
▶ Teens get their bags searched:
▶ Alcohol is BANNED:
▶ Most Shocking Moments:

Think you've got the World's Strictest Parents? How do they stack up against these ones? From cutting logs to walking into ponds these parents have the answer to any disobedient teen. How would you survive against the World's Strictest Parents?

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