
Kratos Streams Fire Emblem Three Houses Part 55: Many Paralogues! (Black Eagles Path)

Kratos Streams Fire Emblem Three Houses Part 55: Many Paralogues!  (Black Eagles Path) We had a lot of time on our hands today so we did a ton of paralogues! And even support grinding!

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Want to know more about Fire Emblem Three Houses?

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a tactical role-playing game, developed by Intelligent Systems and Koei Tecmo for the Nintendo Switch, and published worldwide by Nintendo on July 26, 2019. The game is an entry in the Fire Emblem series, and the first for home consoles since Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn in 2007.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a tactical role-playing game in which players control a player character whose gender and name are chosen at the beginning of the game. During the opening hours, the player character is asked to teach at the Garreg Mach Monastery, which acts as a hub for game activities. Choosing a particular school house to teach impacts the narrative from that point on.The player's time is divided between story-based battles that advance the main narrative, and periods in Garreg Mach where they interact with the students of their chosen house. While the opening half of the game focuses on this school system, the story skips ahead five years and focuses more on battle, with the player being locked to the house they chose during the opening half.

This series is a blind playthrough.

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#FireEmblem #ThreeHouses #FE

Fire Emblem Three Houses,Fire Emblem,Three Houses,Fire Emblem Three Houses Stream,Blue Lions,Three Houses Blue Lions,Three Houses Blind,Golden Deer,Black Eagles,Video Game,Byleth,Edelgard,Dimitri,Claude,Fire Emblem Three Houses Blind,Fire Emblem Blind,Three Houses Black Eagles,Crimson Flower,Paralogues,Crimson Flower Paralogues,Support Grinding,Fire Emblem three Houses Support Grinding,Fire Emblem Three Houses Support,

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