
It’s OK to be disregarded

It’s OK to be disregarded It’s OK to be disregarded
1. What is being disregarded?
1) Someone
① treats me badly
② looks down on me or despise me
③ treats me like I don’ exist
④ pretends to be not heard what I’m saying
2) So I
① feel bad
② do not know what to do.
③ get angry / I get irritated
④ am worried about what if it happens again
⑤ avoid people
3) Doctor U's recent experience
① A wedding ceremony of a senior professor’s child whom I have known for a few years but haven’t seen for years
② He greeted me at the entrance
③ At the wedding reception, he greeted every other person in the seat except me.
2. Someone who disregard others and someone who is disregarded
1) There are only a few people who disregard others and there are many people who are disregarded
2) Someone who disregard others
① In most cases, it was not an intended disregarding behavior
② Only a few people intentionally disregard others
3) Not all people who disregard others get disregarded
① Although someone disregards others, there are more people who are not disregarded
4) Many people feel disregarded although they are not actually disregarded
3. Does who feel to be disregarded although there is no one who disregards him/her
1) People who care about others
① Do what others think of me?
2) Those who remember being disregarded
① In fact, they are nervous about being disregarded again and their unnatural face and attitude makes other people feel uncomfortable and avoid them
② They think they are disregarded again
3) People who react so sensitively to being disregarded
① There is no such disregard, they may misunderstand the situation, or they may expect too much
② Too sensitive my Body-Mind-Life reflects in my actions and attitudes
4) Because I am not respected as I expected or I deserved
① Although other people treat me fairly, I am not satisfied with it
4. It’s OK to be disregarded
1) There is no one who disregards me
① Only a few people intentionally disregard others
② Deal with or fight against the intended behavior
2) A person who is ignorant and disregards others may lack something
① A person who is not considerate
② A person who is not a good character
③ A person who is having a hard time
④ A person with bad vision, hearing, attention, memory, and judgment
⑤ Accept the person like ‘That’s him/her!’, Doctor U’s senior professor
3) When I am not treated as I expected or deserved
① Treatment and respect are not equally objective to all people
② It changes every time according to the thought and action of me and others
③ Let’s treat others well and respect them first
④ To be a person who deserves respect and good treatment.
5. Training to be disregarded intentionally
1) Training for a person who is conscious of others, a person who remembers being disregarded, a person who is too sensitive to being disregarded
2) I-Training
① Meet: Do not be afraid of people or situation that made me feel disregarded in the past
② Express my feelings and tell my thoughts
③ Despite being disregarded, insulted, and criticized by others
④ Until I am not conscious of others, I am disregarded day by day, and I am not reacting sensitively to being disregarded
3) Training to disregard others intentionally
① Check there are many people who are not disregarded although I’m trying to disregard them
4) Other’s Training
① Listen to other people’s feelings and opinions and make a natural reaction
6. Do you feel that you have been disregarded many times? From now on, try to practice to be disregarded with intention

With Dr.U:

Who's Taiwoo Yoo, M.D.?
- Director With Dr.U
- Former Principal of the Family School Room at Seoul National University Medical School
- Former chief of family medicine at Seoul National University Hospital
- Former Seoul National University Hospital Health Promotion Center Senior Professor

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