In today's episode, I’m joined by Imelda Almqvist, where we discuss how Inner Work / Shadow Work is a vital part of our human journey and how we all have a responsibility to take an active part in it to make the necessary shifts needed in the external world, and how external activism has to be matched with inner activism.
We also look at the role of the ancestors and how they give us a map for what we are currently experiencing, individually and collectively and what they can teach us about where and who we are now.
Imelda shares some of her own stories of working with the Shadow Self, and how she engages with it in her relationships with her family. She also believes that Shadow Work “should be like brushing our teeth or washing our hair or whatever it’s like a form of spiritual and psychological hygiene” and that it needs to be on the curriculum in schools, as the younger generations are going to be the “doctors, the politicians, the nature keepers, and the earth keepers of the future”.
Imelda is an International Teacher of Shamanism and Sacred Art who has published two books: Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit for Life (Using shamanism creatively with young people of all ages) in 2016 and Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit (Where Art Meets Shamanism) in 2019, and her third book - Medicine of the Imagination (Dwelling in possibility) - will be published by Moon Books in 2020.
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{ I M E L D A A L M Q V I S T }
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▼ Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit
W I T H L O V E & G R A T I T U D E
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