
How To Lose Weight Fast Using Green Tea (2020)

How To Lose Weight Fast Using Green Tea (2020)
In this video I am going to show you
how you can easily lose weight using green tea

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world just after water.
Tea is obtained from the Camellia plant. Tea is found in various forms
Black …
Tea plant is mainly found in Asia in tropical climate
it is known to benefit health since centuries
The main compound called catechins a type of flavonoid
that may boost metabolism and help reducing weight.
Caffeine another component is known to increase your energy use,
causing the body to burn more calories
Green tea is most concentrated in those two components just after the withe tea
But, roughly speaking, tea contains theine, caffeine,
tannins, protein, albumin, amino acids, minerals.
It is rich in antioxidants, which are good for the heart, arteries, skin ...
two cups of tea would be worth seven glasses of orange juice
some specialists advise to add lemon
since lemon prevents certain antioxidants in tea,
the catechins, from being destroyed
during their passage through the digestive system.
tea can boost some fat burning hormones like noradrenaline
which can help to break down the fat cells
and move it into the bloodstream to be used other cells like muscles
tea extracts are known to increase fat burning during exercise like walking

and keep in mind that too much tea lowers the iron level.
To avoid the risk of anemia, we limit ourselves to 5 cups per day.

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Take this drink during daytime one cup every 2 hours

Best to be taken during your exercise session to boost your energy level

This drink will BOOST your metabolism to burn more calories
You will notice results on your weight within a week.

This should motivate you I am sure you can do it and succeed…

always drink it WARM

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Always keep in mind : A strict control of your lifestyle and diet is the key to lose weight

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