
Blending in Makes Citizens on Patrol Stick Out More and My Joy Makes These Clowns Have Frowns:TI

Blending in Makes Citizens on Patrol Stick Out More and My Joy Makes These Clowns Have Frowns:TI No discussion on the video as family member was a passenger on my travel home. Notice the slight swervers(this used to be like a driver under influence), use of wrong turn signal to get in right hand lane, white trucks such as RAMs conveniently in my view(some reason their choice of harassment) and more white cars all in a row to right at redlight, a car with hazards on smoking/fuming excessively in front of me in right lane nearer to end of video and turns off like running from a fire, a car having to speed down a side street to get in front after I went through last stop light they expected me to stop for, and so much more the aware TI can pick up on. These are all things the "normal" citizen misses but a seasoned TI notices with no effort and I sing, clap, look straight ahead, don't put on brakes, or change facial expression at all. It means I have NO FEAR + GOD= YOUR WORSE ENEMY as there is nothing they have left to do but rackeeteer funds of an idiotic bureacracy funding protection again "terrorism". Happy Friday!


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