
BEETLE BIG SPELL DRUID!! Phaoris, Elise, & Tons of Armor! | Galakrond's Awakening | Hearthstone

BEETLE BIG SPELL DRUID!! Phaoris, Elise, & Tons of Armor! | Galakrond's Awakening | Hearthstone Steel Beetle is a new tool in the "Big Spell" arsenal for Druid. We tried to make a version built strictly with big spell support cards work, but it was terrible. So we added a quest shell and King Phaoris and it worked like a charm!


#DescentOfDragons #DragonsDecks #RegisKillbin


Deck Teaser | Hearthstone | BEETLE BIG SPELL DRUID!! Phaoris, Elise, & Tons of Armor!

Hearthstone,New Expansion,New Cards,Latest Cards,Dragon Expansion,New Dragon Cards,dragons expansion,New Deck,Latest Deck,Galakrond's Awakening,Galakrond Decks,Awakening Decks,GA Decks,Best GA Decks,New GA Decks,Winged Guardian Deck,Adventure,New Adventure,Druid Deck,New Druid,best Druid,Taunt Druid,Big Druid,Quest Druid,Fatigue Druid,Rising Winds,Steel Beetle,King Phaoris,Phaoris Deck,

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