
4 Ways to Discover What Your Audience REALLY Want from your Membership

4 Ways to Discover What Your Audience REALLY Want from your Membership Get more membership site tips and advice at

Do you know what people in your audience actually want from your membership?

When planning your membership site, it’s easy to fall into the trap of building something that we think would be good, rather than something that’s based on research into what your audience really want (and need).

In doing so, you risk spending hours creating content and investing in features, only to be left scratching your head when people simply don’t engage in the way you hope they will.

Whether it’s your membership offering; your blog, podcast or video channel; or even just the updates you post on social media – discovering what people actually want and need is critical to connecting with your audience and driving them to action.

In this episode, I discuss 4 ways to discover what your audience really want.


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