
What is an Angle?

What is an Angle? What are Angles?
Angles occur very often in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy etc... We calculate them, manipulate them, use them to predict or prove stuff. But can we explain what they actually are?

The origin of what an angle is quite straightforward actually, and this is what you can learn in this video. We even end up defining what PI (3.1415) is!

Here, in a few minutes, this video makes us dig into one of the roots of geometry, that is so naturally intuitive, that we don’t even realize we are using it everyday.

The level in Physics required to fully enjoy the content of this video is middle high school (English speaking schools: Grade 8-9, French speaking schools: quatrième).

Thank you for watching: I hope this video will be useful to you !

Edouard Reny

Course mentioned in the video; Mathematics for Physics.
You can find it on Skillshare (trigonometry section):

And on Udemy (Full course):

You can also view an episode of this course on youtube (How to understand cosine and sine in Physics):

This video is produced and presented by Edouard Reny, Ph.D. in materials sciences and private tutor in Physics.

Edouard provides one-on-one private tuition in Physics (face to face or by Skype). If you wish to contact him, visit his website:

Music composed and produced by Edouard Reny © 2020

mathematics,physics,angles,geometry,lesson in geometry,lesson in physics,

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