

BFF tried to STEAL my BOYFRIEND Hi, I'm Nicole and that guy over there ... is my boyfriend Mike. He's kind of a goofball, but I love him, I think, well, he drives me crazy but he's a really good guy. We've been together for a long time and we get along, for the most part, but I have to admit, I complain about him a lot. It's probably not fair, but sometimes I just need to vent to my friends. That's exactly what got me in trouble though.
This is my friend Lexi. We've been friends since the third grade and we tell each other everything, or at least we used to.
We used to spend all of our time together. We talked, we laughed, we did everything together. I guess it all changed when I started dating Mike. She was still single for a long time before she met Alex.
Alex was one of the most popular guys in school. He was a superstar on the football team, he had a band, was really pretty smart, had tons of friends, I'm really not sure how someone can pack all of those qualities together but somehow he did it. He was so popular. I guess I was a little jealous at one point. I would look at Lexi and Alex and they just seemed perfect. Then I looked at Mike and saw a guy with mustard stains on his shirt and a childlike appreciation for cartoons and cereal with marshmallows in it. She had the captain of the football team and I had the guy who belched the national anthem in the 4th-grade talent show.
As I said, Mike is a great guy, but I was kind of getting tired of some of his personality traits. He's a bit immature, as you may have gathered, he's a little clingy, and he doesn't seem like he has a real direction in life or drive to do anything besides watch movies. It got to the point where I was always talking to Lexi about him. It was kind of ridiculous how much I complained about him, but I felt like Lexi was the only person I could talk to. I thought she was the only one I could trust. Trust is a funny thing though. Remember Alex? Remember I told you how popular he is. Well, it turns out he was really popular with Jessica, Kelly, Allison, Maggie, and Amanda too. A little more popular than what Lexi would have preferred, as it turned out. So after she caught him cheating, forgave him, and then caught him cheating two more times, Lexi broke up with him. She was pretty upset for a while. She would come over to my house and we talked more than we had in months. She started hanging out with me and Mike. We would all go to movies and stuff like that. I felt bad for her that her relationship ended the way it did, but I was kind of enjoying more time with my best friend. I never expected things to go the way they did. When I think back on it now, I realize that our conversations were different than they had been before. Something had changed, and I didn't notice it at the time. Back in the day when I complained about my boyfriend, she would just kind of listen and nod. All of a sudden, she was giving me more feedback and telling me that I was too good for him and that I deserved better. The way she talked to me, she was harder on him than I was. Thing is, she was also talking to him a little different too.
I found out that she had been talking to him and telling him that I don't treat him right and that he would be better off without me. She was seriously trying to break us up.
I was furious when I found out. My first thought was "I guess she has to destroy other people's relationships since she doesn't have her own." But I don't think that was it at all. I realized that she wanted my boyfriend for herself. The more I thought about it, it occurred to me that Alex screwed her over, and she saw something in Mike that I had been overlooking. She saw a nice guy who would never treat her like that.
She didn't succeed in breaking us up, but she made me feel horrible about the way I had treated him, and she made me feel sad and angry because I lost a friend. I know that she was going through a hard time when she did what she did, and I feel like I have some blame myself, but I just don't think I can forgive her. I want my friend back and I don't know what to do. What would you do in this situation?

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