
10|13|19 11am - Everybody Always “Look at What’s in Your Bucket” - Rev. Dr. Neil G. Thomas

10|13|19 11am - Everybody Always “Look at What’s in Your Bucket” - Rev. Dr. Neil G. Thomas Last Sunday we came to a deeper understanding that our lives should reflect the One that we follow, Jesus. By knowing Jesus and how he lived, we can follow and become disciples. We can become more Christ-like as we reflect the life of Christ in us. This seems so countercultural. In a world that wants us to self-promote, Jesus teaches us that we should always point people toward the Source of Life itself, God. In our readings today, both Bob Goff and Jesus are calling us to unity in Christ. This call to unity is sometimes misunderstood as sameness. As we are discovering, Jesus wants us to know our own self-worth and the gifts that each of us have been given as we move in love toward a world in which each of us is valued and loved uniquely. We each have our uniqueness and are gifted with abilities that are called into unity, sharing them freely to the benefit of the whole. “I am a part of everybody” is another way of saying this! Offering ourselves–our time, talent, and treasure (all three, not one or the other)–is our way of acknowledging and demonstrating that we are following in the footsteps of Jesus, who offered himself, fully, to the betterment of the whole. He knew what was in his bucket; everyone of us has something(s) in ours that leads us toward unity for the sake of the new realm of Jesus, the Christ.
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Cathedral of Hope,Dallas,Texas,Gay,Lesbian,Bisexual,Bi-sexual,Transgender,Queer,Questioning,Straight,Ally,Christian,Progressive,Liberal,United Church of Christ,UCC,Neil,Cazares,Thomas,Cazares-Thomas,

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