
दुनिया की 10 सबसे हैरतअंगेज़ लड़कियां || 10 WOMEN YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE EXIST

दुनिया की 10 सबसे हैरतअंगेज़ लड़कियां || 10 WOMEN YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE EXIST दुनिया की 10 सबसे हैरतअंगेज़ लड़कियां // 10 WOMEN YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE EXIST

There are a lot of unique women in the world that you probably didn’t even know existed. From women who have the longest legs in the world, to a woman that has had over 200 plastic surgeries, and a woman who is barely bigger than an average two-year-old. Join us as we take a look at 10 Women You Won’t Believe Actually Exist.

10. Zlata is a Russian contortionist that is known as the most flexible woman in the world. Zlata, a former Russian gymnast, is able to create amazing shapes with her body and is so flexible that she can fit herself into a 50cm square box.

9. Ann and Claire Recht are identical twins who hold the Guinness World Record for the world’s tallest female twins. They were born February 9th, 1988. Being that they are identical, they were both measured three times in January 2007 and the recorded height was 6 feet 7 inches, or 2 meters tall.

8. Anastasiya Shpagina is a 24-year-old girl from Ukraine that spends hours a day transforming herself into a living anime character. The anime lover is 5 feet 2 inches and approximately 85 pounds.

7. Pixee Fox is a Disney obsessed model who has had over 200 plastic surgery operations to try and make herself look like a cartoon character. She has had her nose and ears done so that they appear more defined and cartoon-like.

6. Valeria Lukyanova is a Ukrainian model and entertainer that has spent years trying to make herself look like a human Barbie doll, and she has succeeded. She is now famous because of her resemblance to a Barbie Doll.

5. Asha Zulu Mandela is from Florida and is known for having the world’s longest dreadlocks. She is married to a Kenyan hair stylist by the name of Emmanuelle Chege and the couple works together taking care of her massively long dreadlocks. Asha and Emmanuel met online three years ago after he was struck by pictures of her famous dreadlocks on hair websites.

4. Aneta Florcyzk is a Polish female athlete and strongwoman who started her powerlifting career at the early age of 16. She has since then won Polish championships several times. The incredible thing is that Aneta is just 5 feet 5 inches tall and only weighs 165 pounds.

3. Lyudmila Titchenkova is a 21-year-old girl from Ukraine who has a disproportionality long neck. When she was a child, her parents noticed that she was growing and developing at an accelerated growth.

2. Jyoti Amge was born December 16th, 1993 in Nagpur, India. On her 18th birthday, she was declared the world’s smallest woman by Guinness World Records with a height of only 62.8 centimeters, about 2 and a half feet tall, which is shorter than the average two-year-old child. She weighs just 11 pounds.

1. Lauren Williams is from Houston, Texas, and has the longest-known legs in the United States. Her eye-catching limbs measure an incredible 49 inches from hip to heel.

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