By the end, the car was sending off sparks as it was forced to eventually slow down on the 5 Freeway in Sylmar.
The driver jumped out and tried to dodge speeding traffic on the freeway on foot before deputies were able to swarm him and take him into custody as he continued to struggle. One deputy was clipped by a car but appeared to avoid serious injury.
There were reports of gunfire being exchanged between the suspects and deputies early in the chase. After it concluded, paramedics were seen treating the passenger who appeared to have serious injuries.
Traffic was stopped on the southbound 5 Freeway in the Sylmar area as authorities investigated.
The chase started in the Palmdale area and the suspects eventually drove through a security fence at the Palmdale airport and then got on the 14 Freeway.
For much of the chase through the Antelope Valley, the car's hood appeared to be up and blocking the windshield. Also at least two tires were seen falling off after spike strips were deployed, but the vehicle was able to keep driving at speeds over 50 mph.
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