
Interpretation of Tongues ~ Take My Hand ~ World 122 | Interpreting Tongues | Tongues

Interpretation of Tongues ~ Take My Hand ~ World 122 | Interpreting Tongues | Tongues We would so love to hear from you.

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Love for God

1 Holy Father,

thank you,

for bestowing upon this world your most holy and sacred gift

2 Thank you,

for your Son

3 Thank you,

for the honour of knowing His love in my life

4 Thank you,

for saving the world through His blood

5 Thank you,

for the gift of salvation

6 I am not worthy of such a priceless gift,

I am honoured that you would welcome me into your kingdom

7 I have done nothing to deserve your praise,

but I offer my whole self to you in service and adoration

8 Use my whole life Lord,

for your purpose

9 Use whatever skills I have,

to speak forth your words to the people of this world

10 Use my faith,

whatever I have it is yours,

11 an offering of my love for you,

poured out all for you

12 Take me into your keeping Lord,

direct my path to righteousness and truth

13 Lead me not into temptation,

bind all evil from my world

14 Hold me safe in your arms Lord,

reveal your works to me

15 Help me to fulfil your dreams,

your goals for my life

16 Let me not waste this precious time in idle wonder,

but use every second to build and restore your kingdom of worthy followers here on earth

17 Whilst I have breath inside of me,

I will follow you my Lord

18 While this body moves and functions,

I will worship and praise you

19 I will never stop working for you,

I will never give up on the tasks your blessings have bestowed upon me

20 I will honour you and follow you,

I devote my very being to your service,

I promise to honour your holy name for eternity







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