
Five Reasons Why You Should Give Up Smoking - Bahtiyar World

Five Reasons Why You Should Give Up Smoking - Bahtiyar World Do you smoke? Thanks for your sincere answer and let me tell you something about myself. I don’t smoke. Like everyone, I have tried smoking and fortunately, I didn’t like it. I did not enjoy smoking and until nowadays I don’t see any advantages of smoking. There are several reasons why people smoke and I perfectly understand them. There are different groups of smokers who prefer smoking because of several reasons.

Smokers tend to think that their terrible habit reduces their level of stress. This dangerous activity lets them relax and forget about their daily problems. This is what they think about smoking. This is not my position and opinion. Psychologically strong people do not smoke because of this purpose. Usually, they find more beneficial and helpful ways to reduce their stress level and relax.

Some people who are easily influenced by TV propaganda and advertising, tend to think that smoking is something cool and prestigious. Usually, advertisement gurus and promoters strive to show us that smoking is a habit of successful and wealthy people. All this is done because different corporations want you to buy their products, poisoning yourself and give them more profit.

It is widely known that smoking is a very harmful habit. Smoking has become a global epidemy and disaster. Let me give you some statistics about smoking and its terrible impact on your health.

Have you ever calculated how much money do you waste annually to buy yourself cigarettes? Usually, we do not even consider such things. But let me give you some statistics. Look at this meaningful pictures.

Let us make some calculations. Modern researches and statistics show that an average smoker smokes one package of cigarettes a day and usually every package consists of twenty cigarettes

give up smoking,stop smoking,dangers of smoking,smoking danger,smoking lung cancer,

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