
Fill your next yoga workshop with this post it method

Fill your next yoga workshop with this post it method You can fill your next workshop if you know what “full” is. With this method, you will set goals and celebrate along the way.

Step 1: Set your goals
What is the minimum number of students to make the workshop worth your time? That’s your Good goal.
What’s the maximum number of students you can have before the room is filled or your comfortable having in the workshop? That’s your Best goal.
The number in between those numbers is your Better goal.

Step 2: Get your post it’s out
Where is a place that you will see your post-its every day as you’re marketing your yoga workshop? It doesn’t matter where it is, just use the place where you will see it every day.
Stick the number for your GOOD goal wherever you decided on.

Step 3: Start calling in your dream student
Then it’s time to market your yoga workshop! Show up wherever your dream student is showing up and invite them to the party.

Step 4: Add the names
As your dream students register for the workshop, write their names on the post its. Celebrate each one!

Step 5: Add more post it’s
When you reach your Good goal, celebrate and then add more post it’s to your space. Keep calling in more students.

That’s it! All you need is your goal, post it’s and a pen! This is a great visual way to see and celebrate meeting your goals!

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