
Bags and puffiness under eyes??Get relief with natural and simple methods.

Bags and puffiness under eyes??Get relief with natural and simple methods. In this video I have discussed about bags and puffiness under the eyes that can be unsightly and one should opt for simple and safe remedies instead of surgery.I have discussed use of natural methods like use of frozen tea bags,cucumber,potato.cold milk and vitamin E for local use.Clearing the sinuses also help.Foods rich in vitamin C can help.Use of lasers and microneedling can be very effective.However must consult a dermatologist.If it's due to allergy,must consult a doctor.Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided.These methods are very effective to get rid of the under eye bags and puffiness.

puffiness,eye bags under eyes,safe treatment,natural ways,teabags,cucumber,ice packs,vitamin E,laser treatment,dermarollers,microneediling,

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