
A Beginners Guide to Lockdown in Italy: explaining what it means

A Beginners Guide to Lockdown in Italy: explaining what it means Just a quick update as I have been getting a lot of worried messages. We are fine! Nobody I know is sick. Italy has taken out stronger measures to PREVENT and CONTAIN the virus from spreading.

This means:
Schools, Universities and kindergartens to be closed until 3 April.
Weddings, funerals, masses, sports fixtures, conferences, meetings to be banned.
Cafes, restaurants, gelaterias can open from 6am-6pm.
Pubs, museums, clubs, gyms, theatres, libraries, cinemas to be closed.
Public services will still be working but you can only travel to other towns for work or health purposes and have to have authorization.
You can go out for walks with children or dogs but are not to meet up with other families and if you do so you must stay 1 metre away from each other.

Lunches with extended family are not advised as not deemed important. They just want people to stay away from others as much as possible.

1 person from each family can go do the shopping. Shops will have a limit to how many people may enter at one time and the 1 metre rule must be observed.

This is all I know for now.


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