
Wait, but don't we want a cure for disabilities?? -- An informal chat

Wait, but don't we want a cure for disabilities?? -- An informal chat This is a super informal video meant to address a question that a whopping zero viewers have raised so far: Avery, why are you saying "no cure required" for disability? Wouldn't all disabilities getting cured in heaven be a good thing??

I'm so glad you asked, hypothetical viewer. While there are persons with disabilities who would choose to have their disability removed, there are others of us who do not want such a thing! Watch the video / read the transcript to learn more.

I'll be making future videos that further discuss these issues, so consider this a very quick answer. I welcome anyone with a disability of their own to share their perspective in the comments!

Further reading:

- An introduction to the social model vs. the medical model of disability:
- A video on the social model:
- Why it's harmful to assume disabilities need to be "fixed" or "cured":
- A tumblr post that I find pretty helpful for considering the nuances and diversity of views within the disability community surrounding cure rhetoric:

disability theology,disabled christians,cureism,ableism,disabled and blessed,faithfullydisabled,

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