
Vata Dosha- what is it, am I a Vata, if so is mine out of balance and how to contain it?

Vata Dosha- what is it, am I a Vata, if so is mine out of balance and how to contain it? All things are made up of the panchamahabhutas (5 elements) Akasha (space) Aapa (water) Teja/ Agni (fire) and Prithvi (earth). When I say everything I mean literally everything. The phone your holding, the pen you write with the car you drive in, your chair, your food, your drinks (say what?) Your bodies! Within each of us at time of conception when you became a zygote at that very moment the energy between your mother and father became your energy for life. (I'll explain in another video) Anyway, this video is all about the Vata Dosha (space and air) think of all that goes along with that and the qualities of it. Light, dry and moving to name a few and effects would be a hey joints, anxiety, constipation, insomnia and more. To calm the vata Dosha you want to do opposite to it Kapha. You want to have warming foods and heavier foods not popcorn and not chips and no more salads. Ok fine just minimize the salad for now at least. 😜

Let me know if these tips helped you at all and if you have tried and Ayurveda therapies to help you.

Some of my favorite therapies would be abhyanga (body massage with warming oil) and shirodhara (oil dripping on the head)

Interested in getting a Ayurveda wellness consultation send me a e-mail:

All About the Vata Dosha (Mind-Body Type) in Ayurveda,An Introduction to Ayurveda - The Three Doshas (Vata,Pitta,Kapha),How to Take Care of Yourself When You Are Vata Dosha,0:02 / 14:58 Vata Dosha Diet [10 Ayurvedic Tips for Balance],ADD TO QUEUE Managing Vata Dosha with Dr. Marc Halpern,Exploring Ayurveda - Understanding Your Bodytype (Vata,

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